Tuesday 26 April 2011

crap crap crap crappoo

i feel like the biggest time waster at the minute,
i vowed i would eat less crap and spend less time on the internet (unless for academic purpose ofc) but i have done the the exact opposite.

i blame it on easter and jesus coming back from the ded or sumfing.
so here publicly i am gonna make another promise and i WILL stop moping about on tumblr and get on with some productive labour.

i also feel like all my art work and photography is crappo at the moment.

can some one give me a pill that gives me back my motivation,
my hyperactivity and my stick thin legs like i had when i was 14?

hahaha we made this in 2007.
miss dem dayzzzzz.
no i don't actually i was a right social disfunct.

thats not a word is it? it is now
i feel like Thomas Hardy wow.
speaking of which. i should start revising for my exams sometime soon too.
why am i writing all this crap
why am i crapping crapping saying crap so much
it not even socially acceptable any more
crap crap who gives a crap

if you turn the p upside down it becomes crab

who even says cwl? ha crappos.

but cha know lifez good at the moment
minus the overiding factor of my lack of umph during this
"crucial time of my school career"

the lion the witch and the wardrobe. omgomgomg we iz so cwl.
attempting to keep up my NY resolution of learning
to skateboard,
instead i just pose for photos with it so i look cooler than everyone else.
twisters are my choice of ice lolly.
if its a hot hot day
and i have eaten nothing
and you have spare change
and you love me
you should buy me one
then i'll love you
and we will be happy for ever and ever


  1. You can always blame anything on Jesus...

    / Avy

  2. Hiya Ayesha. Wowww I missed a lot. I'm glad you're back babe.

    Oh btw, your band sounds pree good. I'm so jealous, you have no idea.

    If you guys do a tour, I'm your main groupie, right? Right.



hello words.