Saturday 8 January 2011

hustle bustle

i can not stop sneezing
my nose has gone numb
i would take some antihistamine but i think my system has had enough for one night.
pushing it
see how far it can

i just got stuck
now i'm back
i don't know how i did it.
its only 1am. everyone is at telfords.

it seems like we've been in my room for tens of years


its like a box
packed withamazingess

then we opened the window


and it all disappeared.

i deleted every photo from my holiday off my laptop


  1. it feels like I've been in my room for a long long time too.
    very drunk.
    Then I'm thrown into the real world and I have to go outside and do things.

  2. aren't you a darling!
    I'm Siobhan, nice to meet you.
    I always thought your writing was beautiful.
    I hope you're alright lovely.


hello words.